Field Trip Report:
Second Annual Western North Carolina
Rockhound Roundup!
August 4-5-6-7, 2005Thursday morning rolled around and everyone was up bright and early for the days trip to the Little Pine Mine. We loaded all the braver members into the back of Maggie, some chose to follow us to the mine.
Ready to ride!
A quick stop at the fuel station before the trip, Maggie gets 5 gas stations to the mile 8^(
Getting ready to head up to the mine.
Coming through the woods.
Once at the mine, we decided to collect in various areas, inside, in the creek, on the banks etc.
Geodepat working the creek.
Ron Denton, Andrew Smith and Whitney Kirk working the wall at the entrance of the mine.
Ron Helms in the creek.
Andrew Smith, Alan McCleaf, Karen Lawrence, and Whitney Kirk, all members of the club on their first field trip with us.