Eighth Annual
Western North Carolina
Rockhound Roundup
August 1st-7th, 2011

Photos by: Richard Jacquot, Ken Brandt, Hilton Freed, Troy Lancaster, Jerry Creasman, Tony Jones, Ryan Kearney, Lee Fleming

Still working the Sinkhole dumps.

Checking out a cool specimen!

Al with a nice crystal of apatite.

Paul and Ann

Big hunk of apatite with garnets.

Meanwhile, back at the farm, Nancy was out showing off her fishing skills in the French Broad river.

Laura was working on some cabs.

Rough and cut Cranberry Mine stone that Lee collected and cut at the roundup.

Mandy was working on her cabbing skills as well.

Nancy, Tommy and Ron,
happy campers!

Troy brought out some of his recent Reel Mine finds to show the members that didn't make the trip.

A couple of Reel Mine clusters with the new MAGMA patch.

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