Field Trip
Six S's Amethyst Farm
Oglethorpe County, Georgia
January 21st-22nd, 2011
Photos by: Rick Jacquot
We had another fun trip to the Six S's Farm. We had a small turnout for the MAGMA club, about 25-30 members each day. We had originally planned to bring in a big machine the week before to stir things up, but the bad weather made that impossible. We decided to go ahead with the trip since we plan these trips around when the chickens are out of the chicken houses.
Working the dumps
Steve Hutto found the first crystal of the weekend.
John D.
One of our Tennessee members found the next piece.
Double terminated crystal. Most of the crystals found the first day were small compared to what we usually find at this site.
Buddy with a crystal.
Small facet piece
Baseball size crystal found by Matt Sewell.
Matt digging
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