Field Trip Report:
Second Annual Western North Carolina
Rockhound Roundup!
August 4-5-6-7, 2005
Karen showing one of her garnets.
A pic of some garnets in matrix found by Warren Falcone in the super secret matrix area!
Jolenes big gemmy garnet in matrix.
That afternoon we returned to base camp, happy, hungry and loaded with garnets.
Harold said that was his first and last ride in Maggie. He said not to stop, even if I saw him hitch hiking!
That evening, we ate some grilled food and the swapping and selling of rocks began.
Lee, Andrew, Whitney, Jenny, and Ed, lets make a deal!
Phil Napier, had a nice selection of Montana sapphire and a variety of other cut gems, here he is dealing with Ron and Amy.
Phil gave me this beautiful faceted Montana sapphire.
I also bought this nice orange sapphire from Montana, I did not have that color in my collection.