JACKSON CROSSROADS AMETHYST MINE DIG Fieldtrip leader, report and photographs: Collectors showed up to camp Friday afternoon to get ready for Saturday’s dig. Four people camped around the fire before moving into the shed for the night due to a little rain. A few other collectors arrived between 1:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. Saturday morning. As the sun started to rise and 8:oo a.m. approached, the itch to dig began. People came from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, and Tennessee, all eager to start a new hobby. Most of the participants were new to the world of Rock Hounding, and some had never even picked up a rock before. I’m going to rub it in a little for all the seasoned collectors out there. There were several beginners that found some very since material. Fifty people checked in Saturday morning and were given a quick lesson on what to look for before they began. Although it was a bit muddy, it did not deter the group from collecting. Before the last person was checked in, one lady walked up and asked if a piece she had found was any good. Well, my eyes about fell out of my head. The piece was absolutely beautiful, a deep purple with a blue flash and eye clean with one feather off to the side. It would be any cutters delight to cut this stone. Please excuse the quality of the photographs, as the camera that was used does not do any justice to the quality of the stones.
Cindy Causey with the first find of the day and first stone ever collected.
Close up of Cindy’s find As the day continued, a young fellow named Nicolas Gross walked up with his first find. Nicolas just turned 12 years old and had been waiting over a year to dig at the mine. He was rewarded with this find for his birthday.
Nicolas and his first crystal. The crystal was double terminated and had no damage on the one end. Very nice crystal. Walking around the dump piles. Collectors were hard at work digging into piles and working the boulders.
Collectors on the dump piles.
Mike and Leonard working boulder, well at least Mike was working. Mike did extract a sweet cluster but unfortunately it came out in two pieces.
Michael’s first crystal find Back out at the dump piles, collectors continued to find material and I came across Ardis Cecil, who had just found another crystal with some unusual growth and a nice point.
Ardis with her crystal and first time at the mine
More collectors on dump piles, I believe this was break time. About 2 o’ clock in the afternoon a rain shower came through and some people left for the day, but for the real collectors the day was not over and they continued collecting.
Ok, who is going to take the first swing at this monster?
Ron telling Nancy he is hungry and it’s time to eat!
Denise Bagwell and her first find Walking around the mine I came across this guy who really needs no introduction. He is the Ladies Man and the ‘Real King of Amethyst.’
Mr. John D and his Magic Rake
This picture is blurred, but I had to show it anyway. It is a very fine small cluster that had clear points all around it. Found by John Gross As dark fell on the site and everyone left for Halloween night, I realized I was alone. As it started to drizzle and then really start raining, I lay in the tent listening to the rain and coyotes singing their songs. The moon was shining very brightly when the clouds broke and shadows danced across the tent roof, causing me to wonder if I was going to be tricked by some trickster. I realized it was just purple crystals dancing in my head and I dozed back off to sleep. Best night I’ve spent in the woods in a long time. The following day, six collectors showed up for Sunday’s dig. By the end of the day, only one couple remained and was rewarded with Terry’s generosity when he handed them crystals from the pit. In all it was great a trip to see new people being introduced to this fascinating hobby. I would like to thank Terry for allowing the MAGMA club to visit his property, which he has every right to not let us do. Once again this club has proven that we can dig and conduct ourselves at any site with respect to the owners. We all need to be aware of this at all times whether we are new or veterans to the hobby. Do not assume anything when on someone’s property, because it can be closed with just a click of a lock. Thanks again Terry for allowing us to be fortunate enough to visit your mine. Additional pictures, sorry if did not get your names.
Nice cluster in Matrix
Some nice purple
Very nice clear crystal on one end notice internal reflections, about 5cm
A big chunk of purple, about 10 cm |