Hogg Mine
LaGrange, Georgia
November 11th-13th, 2011
Photos by: Richard Jacquot, Mickey Cecil
We had one of our biggest trips of the 2011 season, to the Hogg Mine in Georgia this past week. We brought in a large track hoe two days prior to the club dig to open up the tourmaline pit and get down to the pegmatite to expose the big beryl crystals and rose quartz for the club. Over 200 members attended throughout the three day dig and found some nice material.
Getting ready for an evening around the fire.
The camp area Thursday evening.
Lee and Pat
Dave with his wife and daughter.
Jesse with a big beryl in matrix he pulled from the pegmatite.
A big beryl that Bruce extracted.
Brian, Pat and Jim
Nancy working the dumps.
Early Friday morning.
Working the tourmaline pit.
George and Mark
Georges cut aqua from the mine.
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