John, Wayne, Doug, Steve and Diane
Siderite on quartz
One thing the quarry always had plenty of was spodumene, it has not changed. Kay found a huge pile of spodumene boulders and shared with everyone. We found some crystals up to 4" across!
There were also a lot of nice garnet specimens to be had. Many were fractured and broken, but after busting up a few rocks I was able to salvage a few decent specimens of the almandine garnet.
The above two pics are a matrix specimen with a couple of crystals I cannot id, they are small, any ideas???
Above, matrix specimen of pyrite, arsenopyrite and tourmaline.
Above, almandine garnet crystals in matrix.
Quarry pit, off limits.
Thanks again to Kay Jones for gaining access to the quarry again. The MAGMA club has a trip scheduled for March 6th, 2010. More details will be posted on the MAGMA web site, and of course, everyone is welcome to join us!
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