We Want YOU, To Come Dive With Us!
Springs, photos by: Jerry Fortenberry, Rick Jacquot, Tena Hendrix Our trip to kick off the 2008 dive season was fantastic! We headed back to Ginnie Springs and the Santa Fe River in Florida for a week of fun. We had two goals in mind for this trip. We were going to train a couple of new divers and hunt fossils in the Santa Fe River. I was especially interested in finding the bones of the giant flightless bird Titanus Walleri . Bones from this bird have been found in Texas and the Santa Fe River in Florida at the same location we were at. We began training on Monday. I was helping Jerry teach an open water SCUBA class to Sandy, Tena and Davina, a new member of the team. We began by teaching basic SCUBA skills in the basin at Ginnie Spring.
Getting geared up.
Sandy, Jerry and Davina.
After a day or so training in the basin at Ginnie, we moved to the Devils Eye. The Devils Eye is a round hole that is around 23 feet deep. The walls are straight down, here new divers learn to conduct direct descents and ascents.
Me and Sandy at the bottom of the Devils Eye.
Sandy and Jerry in the Devils Eye. Once all the checkout dives were passed at the Devils Eye. A written test is given, once passed, the divers are certified.
Celebrating the new divers! After completing testing, we swam out to another spring near the river to descend down a simulated anchor chain into a deeper spring.
Jerry |